From ancient Rome to the present day.


The Orto Romano of Bene Vagienna stands near the remains of the amphitheater of the archaeological park of Augusta Bagiennorum. The space is inspired by the Roman tradition of gardens for utilitarian purposes and dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables, fruit and aromatic herbs.


The vegetable garden, with an area of ​​about 100 square meters and quadrangular in shape, is divided into four regular sectors cultivated with vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants, cereals and fruit trees.


In the center, a vine pergola on chestnut poles, in imitation of the compluvium, the typical roof of Roman houses open in the center, creates a shaded seating area that evokes the Roman ritual of having lunch on tricliniums placed outdoors.


The botanical species present are chosen on the basis of studies conducted in Rome and Pompeii on contemporary gardens (1st-2nd century BC), from the comparison with agricultural treatises by classical authors and from archaeobotanical scientific analyzes, carried out during the last excavation campaign at the amphitheater.


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Diario del Progetto N.1